
G-Energy Promo Campaign
In this project, I played the role of a product designer, but with some amendments. Since I was connected at the creative development stage. I was a little lucky to generate ideas for video plots. I already had experience as an art director in advertising studios, so I like the brainstorming format. And sometimes the craziest ideas can be realized. One ad always gave me goosebumps. I can’t even imagine how the idea of their creativity was born, but I give a standing ovation. This entire advertising campaign was very interactive, and the first part was a set of bright small commercials that we distributed on TV, YouTube prerolls, and target.
The project was on a tight schedule, so I was even lucky to practice keying and working with chrome key. I can't say that everything turned out great. And yet it is a valuable experience for which I am extremely grateful.
And yet my main product was the support of the campaign in the media and the development of a subsequent platform for communication with the participants. In the first stage, we developed several accompanying POSM materials. Together with media content and targeting, the coverage exceeded our expectations.

The next point was the creation of a web platform for communication with the contestants. Moreover, the campaign itself was divided into several stages, each of which solved certain tasks. First of all, we needed to collect data, as well as user preferences. To continue to build communication directly with them. They created promotional videos that were also integrated into the landing page in the format of a short series.
In the next stage, communication was built exclusively with the participants, where they answered questions, and also performed the necessary actions from them: shares, likes, posts, etc. The interface itself was built on previously used components. Of which, of course, I formed a small library. Users, through actions, formed their future class and recommendations for the use of oil and fuel.

At the final stage, we collected the received data, each participant received a consolation prize in the form of a T-shirt (with the corresponding class) and also several packages of motor oil, corresponding to their style. Well, the winner got a charming trip to Italy. Also, the results collected during the campaign period were integrated into the website.
This project brought up some qualities in me. Do not be afraid of tasks, even if they seem too difficult for you. The initial volume scared me, but as soon as I laid out the tasks but a smaller stack of subtasks, everything became much easier. Regarding missing competencies: a lot of videos both on YouTube and on many other more specialized sites will help close the missing knowledge. And practice, albeit with a lot of iterations, still bears fruit. And yes, involvement at all stages and initiative is extremely important for the result. Mandatory respect, in the end, Daniel Jovanov is an infinitely cool dude.